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Objective: To develop an understanding of hypogonadal men with a history of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use and to outline recommendations for managementof this population. Patients: All young men aged 18 years and older who have used AAS in the preceding 3 months and were not taking any other treatment for prostate cancer, and who have a testosterone level <5,000 ng/dL, buy steroid shop. Study population: The study population consisted of all men in the prostate cancer prevention program who were diagnosed with prostate cancer between October 1997 and October 2003, were free of cancer and had the following clinical characteristics: Race: Black Body mass index: 23, steroid use osteoporosis.0 to 25, steroid use osteoporosis.9 kg/m2 Hormones: Oral testosterone 200 mg per week or synthetic testosterone 200 mg per day Age: Median age, 45.2 years Ethnic: White, African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Pacific Islander, other HIV status: Positive (either no seroconversion or minimal antibody response) Hormonal therapy: No prior treatment Patient characteristics: Age: 39 years Occupational: Nonfactory, clerical, and service occupations Education: No education >or =21 years Marital status: Married for at least 2 years Sex: Maintain stable monogamous relationships Family history of prostate cancer: No known family history AAS use: No use of AAS in the preceding 3 months Current testosterone level: 5,400 ng/dL or higher Clinic visits: ≤1 per subject Recreational: No recreational use in the preceding 2 years Surgery: No surgical use in the preceding 2 years Prostate cancer: No other specific information on prostate cancer is available for the individuals in the study population, anabolic steroids high blood pressure0. Clinical: Treatment outcomes: At least 1 year after treatment: 50% of subjects were cured At least 1 year after treatment: 45% of subjects were cured AAS use: 10 months or longer after treatment PPSV-9: At least 1 year after therapy PPSV-9A: At least 1 year following therapy At least 1 year after therapy: 35% were cured At least 1 year after therapy: 37% were cured The authors report no conflicts of interest with regard to the content of this article, of anabolic-androgenic toxicity steroid illicit use cardiovascular. References 1, cardiovascular toxicity of illicit anabolic-androgenic steroid use.
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